četrtek, 17. marec 2011


Today is a green day. Yes, very green. Today is St.Patrick's day. He's the most commonly recognized of patron saints of Ireland. Saint Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early 17th century, and has gradually become a celebration of Irish culture in general. It is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora, especially in places such as the Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand, among others. So, officialy it comes from Ireland, but we can celebrate it almost everywhere? That's great. Let's go get some beer. Or should I say beers? Anyway, I was thinking to dye my hair with green colour, but I'm afraid that my hamster wouldn't recognize me. So, no. But I must admit, it's funny listening to people wishing a happy St. Patrick's day. Everyone toasts with whiskey and beer, wearing green clothes and hats with shamrocks. Shamrocks also bring people luck.

But today is also a lot of talk about Japan. I've heard people say that they'd rather give their money for Japan than beer. I think that's admirable, so many people are trying to help them, celebrities create foundations, every campaign is welcome. Unfortunately, one side of the world celebrates and the other side suffers. I hope that the other side will get better soon, especially because I've heard that 50 people will die to save Japan. They are already contaminated, because they are stuck in a nuclear power plant. That's really sad. I feel sorry for them, but I'm quietly happy, that we don't have such severe earthquakes. I don't doubt that with all these donations, keeping fingers crossed and the strength and spirit of Japanese people, their country will recover. And as long we're prepared to help them, the sooner they'll get better.

Today's blog is short, but concise. Let's just think about that.

P.s.: if anyone wants to donate any money, you're welcome:

HF, D. 

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