četrtek, 10. marec 2011

The start. (english version)

Every day, there are a lot of thing happening. Every day we get up, get dressed (or not) and go our separate ways . Some off the job, the other at school, the third at home, and the fourth discover every day where they will go and what to do. Every day we set ourselves timetables and targets. Every day we talk, look, listen, we're working (or not), eat, drink (or not), sitting, walking, lying, sleeping and doing much more. Every day we learn something, whether we want (or not). Every day it happens all the things that make an impression on us and you memorize them (or not). There are so many details that we don't pay attention of at first, but then come on a day like that would be learned by heart. If I remembered half as much stuff when studying than about everyday events, I would already be too smart. Funny how quickly our brains absorb everyday, even the most irrelevant information, but when you look in the book and learn all the material, you cannot remember anything. Title Every day I have chosen precisely because of the everyday events that happen to everyone differently, in their own way. Since I know that some things look better when you see another side of story, I offer to you your similar incidents, see also from my side. Maybe you find any solution or just have fun reading. Not that it should consciously seek clumsiness or funny events, but somehow I cannot avoid them. For more than once I've learned, that even a normal day, can be surprised by pleasant or unpleasant event. And at the end, we also laugh at unpleasant events. Of course, when you're not the news of the day anymore. Or the week. Or the month. Or the year or whatsoever.Uh, I forgot to tell you why is The Start the title of this diary. Since I assume that this read as much as possible the normal, intelligent person with common sense, logic and imagination, I am confident that you will be immediately clear that I can not begin at the end (I'm not that type), but at the start. This is the beginning of my blogging and if it works out, will The Start slowly (or not) turn into a Continued or Previously on Dolores's blog (as in the episodes, how cool is that) or something that I'll invent. And maybe once we get up to the end (or not). God forbid that I die immortal. Since this is made public,, I have to disappoint you (yes, I know, not pleasant), it is not slang, jargon or Arga (pate), I will write only the literary language, which is the coolest. And because it is typically great to write a short, sweet and concise story, I will conclude today. Maybe tomorrow will be even sweeter, but who knows, it happens every day, something new to spice up the day ;)

Lp, D.

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